Sunday, October 24, 2010

GM selection is down to a pair

The "brain trust" of the Mets have narrowed the search for their next general manager. Sandy Alderson and Josh Byrnes are the finalists.
Byrnes is the former GM for the Arizona Diamondbacks and Alderson is the former GM of the Oakland A's and CEO of the San Diego Padres.

My hope is that the Mets will select Alderson but keep in mind that Byrnes is still being paid by the D'Backs so if they hire him, his price tag will be affordable.

I firmly believe that Met's ownership is hurting financially so their decision might be based on dollars and cents not common sense.

Alderson has the more experience and clearly stronger success rate. He interviews on Tuesday following Monday's second interview with Byrnes.

The interviews will be conducted by principal owner Fred Wilpon, team president Saul Katz and Jeff Wilpon.