As a fan of baseball and the NY Mets, there comes a time when a parting of the ways is necessary and good.
Today is my final post for this blog as I have decided to spend my time and money on other endeavors and not to spend it on MLB.TV and the NY Mets or any of its blogs.
It stinks that the belief system, sprung from a free agency program that is so so so over priced and WRONG, creates the idea that when a team doesn't have enough to make a playoff spot the GM decides to trade players for "future players."
People say that if we can't win with what we have, we might as well look for something else and get rid of players who are at the end of their them probably isn't a good idea because these greedy bastards and their agents see only dollar signs followed by a lot of zeros.
Next year the Mets are scheduled to play Toronto in Toronto. I had thought about making sure I could fly out for the series and watch all three games--even though the American League plays a different and uglier brand of baseball then the National League--even though I have been unemployed for almost the entire three years I have lived in Canada as a permanent resident. But now I'm not interested.
I am not going to do that. Not going to spend money to buy another year of MLB.TV. Not going to watch games televised on television. Not going to listen to games on the radio. Not going to follow any team.
I am a loyal fan and switching teams is not ever a solution. Leaving baseball is the solution I seek.
I truly hope that the Mets lose the rest of their games and leave the imbecilic owners and their general manager with a lot of players and no fans in the stands.
Major League Baseball is being run by a man who shouldn't even be a local cities' dog catcher. He has biases and instead of looking out for what is good for the game, Bud Selig makes sure the owners he likes are treated better than the owners he doesn't like. Look at his relationship with LA and NYMet's ownership to see what I mean.
I am tired of caring so much only to be disappointed by cronyism, bad business deals, over payed players, stupid decisions by GMs, overpriced tickets, over over priced concessions and the time I spend caring about something that is supposed to provide me with pleasure, but only makes me angry and bitter.
The NFL is no longer an interest of mine and I won't spend a plug nickel to watch any games.
There are so many more important tasks to do with one's time and money: traveling, hanging out with family and friends, enjoying the great outdoors, reading, etc....
Goodbye NY Mets and Major League Baseball.
I know my departure won't change one iota of the things I don't like about it, but I don't leave because I believe it will hurt the game. I leave because the game is no longer fun and has hurt and disappointed me.
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Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Comments by IntenseDebate
Posting anonymously.