Monday, April 11, 2011

Terry Collins On the Hot Seat? Give Me A Break!!!!

I have become a semi-regular viewer of, A Mets video blog. Kerel Cooper does a nice job of discussing The Mets and some of his videos are pretty cool too.

In his April 10th video blog, he and Dave Doyle ( comment on a story in The Bergen Record that Terry Collins' job is in jeopardy.

Both Kerel and Dave are mystified by such a statement and I wholeheartedly concur, but I wanted to comment on this feeling by fans that we need to win NOW and anything short of that is failure.

First, publishing a sports article that suggests the manager's job is in trouble after one week is a blatant attempt to sell papers and really nothing more than that. Trashy journalism as well.

The foundation for winning in baseball is solid pitching (starting and relief) and defense.

Collins has been given a pitching staff that probably would be better suited for a AAA minor league team. His bullpen is terrible and pitching is one of the areas Alderson was hired to make better.

But he needs time.

Lets face it fans, this is a team that is going through transition. Even without admitting it, we have an ownership that is broke and that has impacted the little to nothing we did in the off season with free agency to better the roster.

We as fans need to be patient and realistically need to admit that we are probably not going to be hoisting a World Series Champion 2011 flag after this season.

And that is ok.

I know all the cliches and I disagree with them.

I can't imagine today's fan being patient with the '62 Mets. Imagine that we had to wait until 1969 before making the playoffs and winning it all.

Granted in the 60s there was no such thing as free agency and players didn't jump ship because they had visions of contracts with too many zeros to count.

People seem to want everything NOW. Well to those impatient fans I say, TOUGH!!!!

I believe that Collins has done his best in spring training to light a fire under his players. They are playing a bit more aggressively than under Jerry Manual, and hopefully we'll win a few more than we lose. I'm not expecting miracles this year and it may take two or even three years before this franchise takes a serious crack at the playoffs.

Just remember that the GM and ownership are part of the equation. And I believe that until this franchise has a change in ownership, the players on this team will be teeing off on the golf course and not suiting up for the playoffs.

Lets Go Mets!!!!